Monday, August 4, 2014

Is it time for a session?

Geralyn St Joseph may be heading your way!! 

Currently in Colorado [to 8/05/14]

Currently traveling across the US. I would love to help you and/or your community!

Indianola, WA                         Aug. 08
Brainerd, MN                          Aug. 18
Clinton, IA                              Aug. 22

Looking for some help with lodging/clients between Colorado and Washington/ Washington and Minnesota in Utah, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota or thereabouts.

Intuitive Readings, Coaching, Energy Healing. Learn to Clear Ghosts, etc & Energy Healing

Let me know if you have any suggestions, can help us out or would like to schedule something. 

Time to schedule sessions
Readings, Energy Healing, Mini-Classes, Seminars and More!

 Sessions in person in: 

Indianola, WA 
Brainerd, MN                          Aug. 18
Clinton, IA                               Aug. 22
for a limited time

Contact me now! or 808 261-7866

Geralyn St Joseph
Your Psychic for these modern times
Lancaster, PA 17554
808 261-7866